Climate Action Should Be Key Part of Reconciliation Bill, Says Outdoor Industry

October 25, 2021

BOULDER, Colo. – The Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) issued the following statement today in support of including significant climate provisions in the upcoming reconciliation bill:

“The outdoor industry is an integral part of the American economy, generating $788 billion and supporting 5.2 million employees. But the future of our industry – and the millions of working families and local economies that rely on the outdoors and outdoor recreation – depends on bold and immediate climate action from our government,” said Lise Aangeenbrug, executive director of Outdoor Industry Association. “Outdoor companies are working every day to reduce emissions and decrease their carbon footprint. The federal government has a responsibility to be a part of the solution to truly combat climate change. The reconciliation bill being discussed in Congress offers a once in a generation chance to enact meaningful provisions to address climate change and ensure the success of the outdoor industry and the American economy, and protect the health of the planet.

“As Congress continues to negotiate the reconciliation bill in the coming days, it is imperative for the sake of the outdoor industry, the economy, and the environment, that they include substantive, fully-funded climate provisions in the final bill, including robust funding for the proposed Civilian Climate Corps.”

OIA and 33 leading outdoor companies sent a letter to congressional leadership in September urging Congress to include significant climate provisions in the reconciliation bill, such as the Civilian Climate Corps, Clean Energy Performance Program, and the Growing Climate Solutions Act, among other provisions. These proposals would help mitigate the effects of climate change, expand access to the outdoors, and support local, state, and national economies.

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About the Outdoor Industry Association

Based in Boulder, Colo., with offices in Washington, D.C., Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) is the leading trade association for the outdoor industry. OIA unites and serves 1,200 manufacturer, supplier, sales representative, and retailer members through its focus on trade and recreation policy, sustainable business innovation, and outdoor participation. For more information, visit

Outdoor Industry Applauds Biden Administration’s Actions on National Monuments

BOULDER, Colo. – The Outdoor Industry Association today issued the following statement of support for President Biden’s actions to restore protections for Bears Ears, Grand Staircase-Escalante, and Northeast Canyons and Seamounts National Monuments:

“The outdoor industry has long championed the protection of public lands and strongly supports the reinstatement of these National Monuments,” said Lise Aangeenbrug, executive director of Outdoor Industry Association. “Our national monuments, forests, and parks provide places for respite, reflection, recreation, and restoration, and are more important than ever as part of natural solutions to climate change. We thank Secretary Haaland and President Biden for recognizing the importance of these rich cultural and natural resources, which honor Indigenous peoples and benefit all Americans.”

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About the Outdoor Industry Association

Based in Boulder, Colo., with offices in Washington, D.C., Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) is the leading trade association for the outdoor industry. OIA unites and serves 1,200 manufacturer, supplier, sales representative, and retailer members through its focus on trade and recreation policy, sustainable business innovation, and outdoor participation. For more information, visit

Outdoor Foundation and Nationwide Thrive Outside Network to Celebrate National Thrive Outside Day October 9

Nationwide network mobilizes through event series to make outdoors more accessible and inclusive for all.

BOULDER, Colo. (October 5, 2021) — Outdoor Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Outdoor Industry Association, today announced a nationwide series of events to celebrate National Thrive Outside Day on October 9th. Events will take place in each of the Outdoor Foundation’s Thrive Outside Communities, including Atlanta, GA; Grand Rapids, MI; the state of Maine; Oklahoma City, OK; Philadelphia, PA; San Diego, CA; St. Louis, MO; and the Twin Cities region, MN. Events will be hosted from October 2nd through November 13th, with a national celebration occurring on October 9th. Learn about each of the National Thrive Outside Day community events here.

“National Thrive Outside Day is about celebrating the transformative benefits of the outdoors, and ensuring that everyone has equitable access to outdoor spaces and experiences. Nature is proven to provide countless benefits to individuals and communities, including better mental and physical health, positive youth development, and awareness and excitement for environmental stewardship. Thriving outside also means more opportunities to participate in community development and civic engagement efforts that support the systems change necessary to address the root of equity barriers,” said Stephanie Maez, managing director of the Outdoor Foundation. “And now more than ever, connecting to the outdoors is critical.”

“Access to the outdoors is essential for healthy, happy people and communities. Partnerships like our collaboration with the Outdoor Foundation allow us to help spark a lifelong love for the outdoors in kids from neighborhoods that have faced historic disinvestment,” said George Dusenbury, state director for The Trust for Public Land in Georgia. “We are pleased to host a Thrive Outside gathering in Atlanta’s Cook Park, an incredible new green space The Trust for Public Land brought to life alongside residents in a neighborhood that has ties to the Civil Rights Movement.”

“RIVERSPORT is excited to be part of the national Thrive Outside Day during the Oklahoma Regatta Festival. I am especially proud of the 40 Thrive Outside Kayaking League paddlers who will be participating in their end-of-season event,” said Melanie Borger, Senior Director of Corporate Engagement and Youth Outreach. “Immediately following the race, RIVERSPORT invites the public to the Thrive Outside Expo. Families will learn about such a wide variety of ways to connect with nature- close-to-home activities like fishing and beekeeping and state-wide recreation like camping and backcountry cooking. I am continually inspired by the kids in our Thrive Outside programs and the work of our network partners.”

The Thrive Outside Initiative is focused on reversing the trend of decreased outdoor engagement, by working at the grassroots level to empower communities in making outdoor recreation accessible to all. Through a collective impact model, supported by the Outdoor Foundation’s Thrive Outside initiative, communities build a network of partners with a shared vision to provide positive, equitable opportunities for its youth, families, and community members to connect with the outdoors.

The Outdoor Foundation’s Thrive Outside Communities would not be possible without the extremely generous support of: The VF Foundation, L.L.Bean, Patagonia, REI Co-op, Thule, Yeti, Wolverine World Wide, Inc, and Winnebago Industries.


About Outdoor Foundation
The Outdoor Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Outdoor Industry Association, is a national 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to getting people outside for their health, the health of communities and the health of the outdoor industry. Through community investment and groundbreaking research, the Outdoor Foundation works with many partners to get more people outside more often. Visit for more information.

Outdoor Industry Announces Support for “Outdoors for All Act”

BOULDER, Colo. – Outdoor Industry Association today announced its support for the bicameral, bipartisan “Outdoors for All Act,” which would create a dedicated source of funding for outdoor recreation opportunities in urban and low-income communities. The legislation is sponsored by U.S. Senators Alex Padilla, D-Calif., and Senator Susan Collins, R-Maine. The House version of the bill is sponsored by U.S. Representatives Nanette Diaz Barragán, D-Calif., and Michael Turner, R-Ohio.

“Outdoor recreation provides countless benefits, from supporting mental and physical health to stimulating the local economy and creating new jobs,” said Lise Aangeenbrug, executive director of Outdoor Industry Association. “Regardless of location, background, or income, all Americans deserve access to parks and green spaces within walking distance to their homes. Yet, more than 100 million Americans do not have that access today.

“This innovative proposal would prioritize federal funding for inclusive outdoor recreation programs in communities that have long been underserved, and increase health benefits and economic opportunities for those living in low-income and urban neighborhoods. We’re delighted to see this important, bipartisan bill introduced in Congress and look forward to working alongside lawmakers to see it enacted it into law.”


About the Outdoor Industry Association

Based in Boulder, Colo., with offices in Washington, D.C., Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) is the leading trade association for the outdoor industry. OIA unites and serves 1,200 manufacturer, supplier, sales representative and retailer members through its focus on trade and recreation policy, sustainable business innovation and outdoor participation. For more information, visit

Outdoor Industry Association, Outdoor Recreation Roundtable and Others Partner with Oregon State University on Industry-Wide Workforce and DEI Survey

Boulder, Colo., August 19, 2021 — Outdoor Industry Association (OIA), the nonprofit trade association of the outdoor industry, and several partner organizations this week announced the launch of the Outdoor Industry Workforce Assessment. The survey, which will gather information about industry needs for workforce development and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), was designed and developed by faculty from Oregon State University and is being supported by several partners including The VF Foundation, Path to Peak Education & Consulting and the Confluence of States.

OIA and Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR) are encouraging their members to participate in the survey in order to capture as many data points as possible in an effort to gauge current efforts and to steer and measure future programming. In addition, the State Outdoor Business Alliance Network (SOBAN), the Confluence of States, and Basecamp Outdoor are sharing the survey with outdoor employers in their networks, and Path to Peak Education + Consulting is acting as a strategic research partner to help establish clear benchmarks top priorities.

“Research and access to data of this kind is one of the cardinal benefits we offer our member companies in order to ensure outdoor businesses are able to adapt in time and in step with the shifting employment landscape,” says OIA Executive Director Lise Aangeenbrug. “It’s important to know what jobs our industry currently has as well as what skills and jobs companies will need in the next years and decades. The more companies that participate in this survey, the more robust the data, the more helpful the insights and the more productive our collaborative work will be toward creating inclusive pathways for outdoor employers and employees of the future.”

“This is an important opportunity to gain a better understanding of our industry,” says Outdoor Recreation Roundtable Executive Director Jessica Turner. “What we learn through this research will help us make better, more strategic decisions about how to grow and promote opportunities within the outdoor recreation economy to new and diverse audiences and better align our industry needs with trainings and programming at all education levels.”

The survey, which launched August 6, will remain in the field until September 30. The research partners recommend that each outdoor company convene a committee that includes executive leadership as well as HR, people and culture, DEI and employee resource group managers and department leaders to complete the survey together.

“We are proud to support this research effort, and we expect the findings to be incredibly valuable to the outdoor industry,” says The VF Foundation Executive Director, Gloria Schoch. “By defining where the outdoor recreation economy stands in terms of workforce development and DEI practices, we can better identify the most promising pathways to improvement.”

Results of the survey will be available in late 2021, and the partners expect to begin developing workplans based on the research results in early 2022.

To learn more about this collaborative research effort, visit the survey website.



Outdoor Industry Association
Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) is the leading trade association for the outdoor industry and the title sponsor of Outdoor Retailer. OIA unites and serves manufacturer, supplier, sales representative and retailer members through its focus on trade and recreation policy, sustainable business innovation and outdoor participation. The OIA is based in Boulder, Colo., with offices in Washington, D.C. For more information, visit

Outdoor Recreation Roundtable
The Outdoor Recreation Roundtable promotes the growth of the outdoor recreation economy and outdoor recreation activities and is the leading recreation coalition with 34-member associations serving over 110,000 businesses. ORR’s members represent America’s hunting, fishing, RVing, biking, hiking, camping, ATVing, diving, horseback and skiing communities among many more.

Oregon State University
Oregon State University’s Center for the Outdoor Recreation Economy is a partnership of OSU’s Division of Extension and Engagement, the College of Forestry, and OSU-Cascades. The Center is committed to providing the research capacity and relevant programming that will lead to new and better opportunities for the outdoor recreation workforce. These programs will draw on strong industry partnerships, along with the University’s well-earned reputation as an R1 research institution and a leader in education, innovation, and engagement.

The VF Foundation
Since its inception, The VF Foundation has donated more that $50 million globally to support non-profit organizations in driving movements for the betterment of people and the planet, including actions that define Worthy Work, embrace the fact that Outside Matters, and empower diversity, equity, and inclusion as we are Free to Be. Learn more at

Outdoor Industry Applauds Senate Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

BOULDER, Colo. – Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) today celebrated the Senate’s passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill:

“We are thrilled to see this historic bipartisan infrastructure bill pass the Senate and continue to gain steam,” said OIA executive director Lise Aangeenbrug. “The outdoor industry has made no secret of its strong support for this proposal. We are encouraged by its many provisions to mitigate the impacts of climate change, including wildfires, droughts, and floods; expand access to and improve our nation’s parks and trails; and enhance our natural infrastructure resources. Just as importantly, this bill will provide long overdue improvements to America’s core infrastructure – roads, bridges, ports, and airports – which will help our $778 billion industry and 5.2 million employees deliver our products to consumers and connect people with parks and green spaces.

“Although we celebrate today’s achievement, we recognize there is a tremendous amount of work ahead of us. The outdoor industry stands ready to continue working with business leaders, policymakers, and others – as we have done throughout this process – to ensure this critical legislation reaches President Biden’s desk to be signed into law. We also look forward to working with lawmakers and administration officials on the upcoming budget reconciliation bill to include additional climate solutions, such as the creation of a Civilian Climate Corps. As these negotiations proceed, we are also hopeful that Congress will act to provide additional funding for the Department of Interior aimed at mitigating wildfires, improving resilience, and combatting severe drought.”


About the Outdoor Industry Association

Based in Boulder, Colo., with offices in Washington, D.C., Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) is the leading trade association for the outdoor industry. OIA unites and serves 1,200 manufacturer, supplier, sales representative and retailer members through its focus on trade and recreation policy, sustainable business innovation and outdoor participation. For more information, visit

Outdoor Industry Encourages Continued Support and Advancement of Great American Outdoors Act

BOULDER, Colo. – Today is the one-year anniversary of the bipartisan “Great American Outdoors Act” being signed into law, which authorized $900 million in annual funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and is designed to address the nearly $20 billion deferred maintenance backlog on federal public lands. The outdoor industry played a pivotal role in ensuring the historic bill was passed by Congress, and its successful implementation is a continued priority for Outdoor Industry Association and its more than 1,200 member businesses and organizations.

“The Great American Outdoors Act is laying the groundwork for a historic investment in the parks and outdoor spaces, which provides countless economic, physical, and mental health benefits to people across the country,” said OIA executive director Lise Aangeenbrug. “We are encouraged to see the law already leading to new outdoor recreation projects and public land improvements. We are committed to helping the Biden administration and Congress in their efforts to fully implement the law and help realize its economic and environmental benefits.

“One way to help achieve this goal is through a 21st Century Civilian Climate Corps (CCC) to address the federal park maintenance backlog, conduct new LWCF projects, and protect communities against droughts, wildfires, and floods. The CCC, which is currently being discussed in Congress, would also create thousands of new, well-paying jobs to boost the economic recovery.

“Additionally, more people than ever before are visiting parks and other public lands, including more women, people of diverse ethnicities, and those living in urban areas. It is critically important to continue making these investments to ensure these public lands and waterways remain accessible to all, regardless of zip code.

“As Congress and the Biden administration continue to work on additional conservation and climate legislation, we hope GAOA can provide lessons for how to create and enact new and effective laws to protect the outdoors and increase access to these amazing natural resources.”


About the Outdoor Industry Association

Based in Boulder, Colo., with offices in Washington, D.C., Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) is the leading trade association for the outdoor industry. OIA unites and serves 1,200 manufacturer, supplier, sales representative and retailer members through its focus on trade and recreation policy, sustainable business innovation and outdoor participation. For more information, visit

The Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) will deliver robust education at Outdoor Retailer Summer

Deborah Williams
Outdoor Industry Association

From the future of retail to the future of the planet and an outdoors for all, the Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) will deliver robust education at Outdoor Retailer Summer

BOULDER, Colo. (August 3, 2021) — Outdoor Industry Association (OIA), the nonprofit trade association for the outdoor industry, will again deliver a full lineup of live keynote and education sessions at Outdoor Retailer Summer in Denver, August 10–12, 2021. Education will kick off with a keynote from bestselling author and founder of the global consultancy Retail Prophet, Doug Stephens, and will continue through the week. Other featured speakers will include Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet (D), Rep. Joe Neguse (D-CO-02), and Attorney General Phil Weiser.

“As we come back together in person for the first time in 18 months, our industry faces a lot of questions about what the future will look like, not only for our businesses, but also for our planet, for people who get outdoors and for future generations,” said Phyllis Grove, OIA’s board chair. “The role of the trade association is to support our members with education and programs to help them take individual and collective action on the issues that matter to our industry. Our team has curated a slate of timely and relevant panels and sessions that will help attendees navigate these unfamiliar challenges.”

Key live OIA education sessions at Outdoor Retailer Summer 2021 include the following:

Day 1, Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 7 a.m. (MT), Colorado Convention Center (MR 400s)
Keynote speaker Doug Stephens, a bestselling author and founder of global consultancy Retail Profit, will provide an incisive look into the future of retail in a post-COVID-19 world. The topics of changing consumer behavior and company roles, the future of physical and online retail and how global supply chains will adapt will all be tackled in his gripping talk.

Day 1, Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 11 a.m. (MT), Colorado Convention Center (MR 400s)
OIA Executive Director Lise Aangeenbrug will host a conversation with Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet and Rep. Joe Neguse about their efforts to address climate change, wildfires and land and water conservation, all while ensuring more diversity and equity in the outdoors.

Day 2, Wednesday, August 11, 2021, 11 a.m. (MT), Colorado Convention Center (MR 400s)
UnitedHealth Group donated $30 million to increase health access for underserved Colorado communities. The attorney general’s office will help direct $5 million from the fund toward organizations that provide mental health services and opportunities to youth. Outdoor Foundation Managing Director Stephanie Maez will interview Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser about how public-private partnerships can help close the equity gap and increase health outcomes through outdoor nature-based programming.

Day 2, Wednesday, August 11, 2021, 3:30 p.m. (MT), Colorado Convention Center (MR 400s)
Join OIA Government Affairs Director Rich Harper and outside counsel Ron Sorini to learn how your company can take advantage of tariff relief measures and how you can get involved in OIA’s trade policy work to help develop new trade initiatives.

Day 3, Thursday, August 12, 2021, 11 a.m. (MT), Colorado Convention Center (MR 400s)
Workforce educators and industry leaders will discuss how innovative workforce development and hiring programs, forward-thinking employee engagement strategies, cutting-edge industry research, and private-public partnerships will support individual companies and the industry at large in meeting the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the new world of work.

In addition to the live panels being offered at the trade show in August, OIA hosted a monthlong series of virtual education sessions, powered by Brandlive, including the following:

Climate Action: Ambition, Collaboration and Practical Steps to Guide Our Industry’s Path to Climate Positive

Building an Outdoors for All: How Outdoor Youth Programming Is Helping Address Equity Barriers in Communities Across the Country

Implementing 30×30: The Essential Partnership of State and Local Stakeholders

A Historic Opportunity on Climate and How Outdoor Companies Can Help

You can watch the virtual sessions on-demand.

About Outdoor Industry Association
Based in Boulder, Colo., with offices in Washington, D.C., Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) is the leading trade association for the outdoor industry and the title sponsor of Outdoor Retailer. OIA unites and serves manufacturer, supplier, sales representative and retailer members through its focus on trade and recreation policy, sustainable business innovation and outdoor participation. For more information, visit or call 303.444.3353.

Outdoor Industry Celebrates Introduction of Highly Anticipated Infrastructure Legislation

BOULDER, Colo. – Outdoor Industry Association today issued the following statement of support for the infrastructure bill introduced in the Senate:

“After months of negotiations between stakeholders in D.C. and around the country, the outdoor industry is pleased to see the introduction of this historic infrastructure deal and strongly supports efforts to pass it in the Senate,” said OIA Executive Director Lise Aangeenbrug. “The outdoor industry is an economic force, generating $778 billion in consumer spending and 5.2 million jobs. We depend on modern, reliable infrastructure to deliver our products to consumers and connect people with parks and green spaces. We were grateful to sit at the table with business, labor, and policy leaders to discuss the legislation, and we are delighted to see the legislation provides long overdue investments to upgrade our nation’s roads and bridges, electric grid, aviation capabilities, ports, parks, and natural infrastructure.

“We also strongly support the bill’s many provisions to mitigate the impacts of climate change, including the largest investment in clean energy transmission and electric vehicle infrastructure in history, federal funds to make our infrastructure more resilient to the impacts of climate change, support for planting billions of trees to advance reforestation efforts, and resources to protect communities against droughts, wildfires, and floods. Climate change is an existential threat to our industry and our way of life. We are heartened to see these commonsense solutions have been incorporated.

“In addition to climate provisions, federal investments in parks and trails are also needed. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of easily accessible green spaces, yet more than 100 million Americans still do not live within a 10-minute walk to a park. Outdoor spaces provide countless economic, mental, and physical health benefits for every community, regardless of zip code. We are encouraged to see the inclusion of parks and trails as a key part of America’s infrastructure in this bill.

“Finally, we are especially grateful to the Biden administration for giving the outdoor industry a seat at the table during these discussions. We look forward to working with our members to advance this bill and pursue more climate-forward proposals in the near future, as talks of a reconciliation package continue to ramp up.”

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About the Outdoor Industry Association

Based in Boulder, Colo., with offices in Washington, D.C., Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) is the leading trade association for the outdoor industry. OIA unites and serves 1,200 manufacturer, supplier, sales representative and retailer members through its focus on trade and recreation policy, sustainable business innovation and outdoor participation. For more information, visit

Outdoor Industry Association Welcomes New Director of Research Kelly Davis

Outdoor industry veteran and seasoned research leader joins OIA to drive growth and evolution of the association’s research department.

BOULDER, Colo. July 8, 2021 – Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) is pleased to announce Kelly Davis as its new director of research. Kelly has more than 25 years of experience in market research including 11 years as the director of research for SnowSports Industries America, and four years as the senior director of research for the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. In addition, she has worked with the Cross-Country Ski Areas Association, the Winter Wildlands Alliance, and the Stand Up Paddle Industry Association.

“Our members consistently rate research and market insights as a top value of OIA membership. Kelly’s proven track record in market research and communications will be pivotal in growing our critical work in this area,” said Lise Aangeenbrug, OIA executive director. “With dramatic demographic, lifestyle and economic changes taking place as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, understanding these trends is more important than ever – informing and influencing critical outdoor programs, products and public policy decisions. We are thrilled to have Kelly joining our team to lead the development and evolution of OIA’s research efforts.”

“The outdoor space is full of opportunity right now, and I can’t wait to get back to helping industry stakeholders maximize their impact,” said Davis. “I’ve seen a lot of data that indicate the pandemic drove sharp increases in participation and sales. I am hungry to help engage and retain that new group of participants and continue to grow sales and participation across the board. This a very exciting time to be working in this space.”

Kelly focuses her work on helping industry stakeholders understand mechanisms that affect their markets, and she has been a featured speaker at industry events like Outdoor Retailer. She has helped countless outdoor brands understand and target participants more effectively, track their customers’ journeys, build clearer views of potential customers and design products. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Quantitative Analysis from University of Arizona and a Masters in Policy and Empirical Methods from University of Hawaii. Kelly’s passion for the industry is driven by her love of outdoor pursuits. Outside of work, she enjoys skiing, trail running, SUPing, biking, hiking, longboarding and exploring with her dogs.


About the Outdoor Industry Association
Based in Boulder, Colo., with offices in Washington, D.C., Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) is the leading trade association for the outdoor industry. OIA unites and serves 1,200 manufacturer, supplier, sales representative and retailer members through its focus on trade and recreation policy, sustainable business innovation and outdoor participation. For more information, visit