Attend and participate in all board meetings come to board meetings prepared and informed about issues on the agenda.
Actively serve on at least one committee, engaging in every meeting, coming well prepared and actively participating to achieve committee objectives with a shared workload.
Attend and participate in special events.
Represent the members’ and global industry’s interests honestly and diligently.
Proactively and positively represent the Organization to individuals, the public, and other organizations; promote membership.
Understand the key aspects of the Organization’s business (e.g., technology, programs, competition, members, regulatory requirements, market conditions, and risks) and the industry in which the Organization operates.
Gain assurance of the Organization’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Respectfully and constructively raise any issues, questions and concerns relevant to the Organization’s performance, operations, major strategies and risks.
Provide constructive feedback regarding collective and individual board performance.
Exhibit inclusion as a core value for the association and the board. Build inclusive meeting practices, promote an inclusive industry and strive for inclusive board member recruitment and inclusive membership acquisition.
Promptly identify and disclose any potential conflict of interest or self-dealing transactions.
Make all decisions and take all actions as a director in furtherance of the director’s fiduciary duties to the Organization’s members, based on the director’s good faith belief as to what is in the best interest of the Organization and its non-profit mission.
Become reasonably well informed about the relevant material facts, alternatives, and consequences for each major Board decision.
Maintain confidentiality as to all confidential information and proprietary information of the Organization until the Organization makes appropriate public disclosures.
Encourage and support the Organization’s staff.
Keep the Board Chair informed about any concerns the Board or members may have.
As an engaged Board Member, consider stepping into a leadership position during your tenure, i.e., chairing a committee, spearheading or supporting an event, or taking on a task force, as needed by the Board.