Webinar: Climate Action – Ambition, Collaboration and Practical Steps To Guide Our Industry’s Path to Climate Positive



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The launch of the Climate Action Corps one year ago kicked off our industry’s bold and collaborative mission toward climate positive by 2050 or sooner, and is now nearly 100 companies strong. The climb to “climate positive” is an adventure like no other, the next decade of which is critical. Outdoor companies who excel in this race to the top will be rewarded by customers, employees, consumers and investors. Those who don’t will lose out. But what does “climate positive” even mean? How can we get there? This session will open with a powerful call to action for why and how the outdoor industry can (and must) lead by example despite volatile times from business strategy expert and sustainability guru Andrew Winston, followed by practical, achievable steps you can take in your day-to-day outdoor business to transform the status-quo by reducing what you emit, removing even more, and advocating for policies that matter most.

Keynote: The Big Pivot – Sustainability and Climate Action in Volatile Times, Andrew Winston, a globally-recognized expert on building resilient, profitable companies that help the world thrive.

Additional Speakers:

Reduce: Tackle the major sources of emissions in a bottle, a boot and a snowboard (Michael Sadowski, independent advisor to OIA’s Climate Action Corps)

Remove: Two outdoor companies’ approaches to carbon removal (Mike Gass, Timberland, and Matt Thurston, REI)

Advocate: Why the unique voice of the outdoor industry business community matters (Katherine Hamilton energy policy guru and thought leader, co-host of The Energy Gang podcast).

Moderator: Amy Horton, Outdoor Industry Association

Webinar: Understanding and Integrating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: An Inside Look at the Latest Course in the Outdoor Industry Business Certificate

Speakers: Lise Aangeenbrug, Outdoor Industry Association and Andrés Esparza, Western Colorado University

Take the first step in a life-long path towards a better understanding of what it means to belong to a diverse community and the strength, power, inspiration, and opportunity that such a community can provide for the greater outdoor industry. Learn about the new course currently being offered as a part of the Outdoor Industry Business Certificate (OIBC) program from instructor Andrés Esparza. Learn more about the course objectives, and what you can expect to learn by taking the course. Hear from OIA executive director Lise Aangeenbrug on why knowledge on these principles is critical to a successful career in the outdoor industry. You’ll also have a chance to ask them questions in a live Q&A session.

Webinar: Post-Election Analysis – The Impact of the 2020 Elections on the Outdoor Industry

Lise Aangeenbrug, Executive Director at Outdoor Industry Association
George Cooper, Partner at Forbes Tate Partners
Rich Harper, Director of Government Affairs at Outdoor Industry Association
Doug Usher, Ph.D., Partner of Polling and Insights at Forbes Tate Partners

Summary: Our industry’s top priorities are on the ballot in this year’s election—from climate change and public lands to outdoor access, international trade and economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn how federal and state election results will shape the outdoor recreation economy for years to come—and how you can prepare your business for what’s next. Join us for a timely post-election analysis as we:

  • Recap election results, examine voting data and share takeaways to inform our advocacy efforts going forward
  • Analyze how the election outcomes will impact the outdoor recreation economy and explore how the results will influence outdoor industry priorities in the future
  • Explain how outdoor industry leaders can guide their businesses to succeed in a post-election environment
  • Share opportunities to advocate for critical outdoor industry issues at both the federal and state level

Pandemic? Holiday Sales? Shortages? Landed Costs? How Traeger Grills Manages Supply Chain Planning in an Unmanageable World

Speakers: Anne Patterson, Principal at InventoryGuru.com; Russ Graf, VP Channel Management North America at NETSTOCK; and Dustin Joyce, Director of Operations Planning at Traeger Grills

Sales are flamin’ hot at Traeger Grills, yet supply chain and inventory replenishment are keeping their cool. Learn how KPI-driven dashboard insight helps Traeger balance sales growth and inventory investment, keep customers happy and let planners focus on the big picture instead of spreadsheet minutia.

Brand recognition and market-share leadership have enabled Traeger to expand its grill product line as well as to diversify into accessories, apparel and consumables.  But with growth comes challenges: more SKUs, more suppliers, more product life cycles and – with the pandemic – exponentially more supply chain risk.

Learn how NETSTOCK’s cloud-based inventory management solution helps Traeger manage inventory by exception: what’s out of stock, what’s about to go out of stock and what’s excess – prioritized by inventory classification that cleverly marries cost with run rate and enables quick ordering, while at the same time optimizing transport.

With the pandemic still in play, consumers are queueing up for the holiday sales, said to have already begun in Q3. Learn how to audit and adapt your inventory strategy so that this year’s holiday season is a smooth one for your business and your supply chain is geared up for 2021.

Sponsor: This webinar is proudly sponsored by NETSTOCK inventory optimization software. Used by over 15,000 users in over 1,600 companies worldwide running over 40 different ERP systems, NETSTOCK brings enterprise-class planning to the mid-market with affordable subscriptions and 100 percent remote implementation.

Webinar: Virtual Discussion: The 2020 Election and Beyond: What’s at stake for the outdoor recreation economy?

When: Thursday, October 8, 2020, 2:00 p.m. (EST)

Speakers: OIA Executive Director Lise Aangeenbrug and Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM)

The 2020 election will be one of the most consequential contests for the outdoor recreation economy. Following enactment of the Great American Outdoors Act, our top priorities are all on the ballot – from tackling climate change and preserving our public lands and waters to expanding access to the outdoors for all Americans to new investments in green infrastructure and close-to-home recreation as outdoor companies recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. What can outdoorists expect from the next administration and Congress? What can we learn from our past wins, and how can we ensure our voice is heard?

Listen to this timely discussion of these issues featuring OIA Executive Director Lise Aangeenbrug and Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM), one of Congress’ leading sportsmen and conservationists and a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

Webinar: Xinjiang and Forced Labor: Sourcing Risks From China and Beyond

Speakers: Rich Harper – OIA, Chelsea Murtha – Sorini Samet & Associates, Andrew Samet – Sorini Samet & Associates and Nicole Schude – Sorini Samet & Associates

The Trump Administration has implemented a series of sanctions against Chinese companies tied to forced labor and other human rights violations against the Muslim Uyghur population in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR). These sanctions include the listing of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC) and other Chinese entities by the Office of Foreign Asset Controls (OFAC) prohibiting U.S. persons from dealing with them; and, more aggressively, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol’s (CBP) use of withhold release orders (WROs) to detain imports suspected of being made with forced labor in Xinjiang. The Commerce Department has placed additional XUAR-connected enterprises on its Entity List, subject to technology export controls. Additional actions addressing forced labor in Xinjiang are expected to be announced by the administration.

U.S. importers should be aware that importing goods with connections to the XUAR represents a significant risk. On July 1, the Secretaries of the Departments of Homeland Security, Commerce, Treasury and State issued a warning to U.S. businesses against commercial activity in the XUAR, citing potential civil and criminal liability under U.S. law, and that normal due diligence was not effective in the XUAR.

This webinar will provide background on the situation in the XUAR and on the potential impact on imports from China and third countries. It will provide an overview of the existing WROs, OFAC sanctions, and Entity List designations; additional potential sanctions; and the practical steps importers can take to identify and mitigate their risk going forward.

Webinar: #VoteTheOutdoors 2020 Social Media Launch

Speakers: Andriana Rogers and Rich Harper, OIA; Katie Boué, Outdoor Advocacy Project

Election season is upon us, which signals the return of the #VoteTheOutdoors voter education campaign. We need every outdoor voice to unify (and vote!) this November. Join us to learn about how outdoorists and brands can become part of the #VoteTheOutdoors movement.


View the 2020 Voters Guide

Webinar: Know Before You Enroll: An Inside Look At Western Colorado University + OIA’s Outdoor Industry Business Certificate

Speakers: Dr. Scott Borden and Dr. Brooke Moran, Western Colorado University

Learn about the two courses currently being offered as a part of OIA’s recently-launched Outdoor Industry Business Certificate (OIBC) program. Dr. Borden will talk about his “Marketing & Brand Strategy in the Outdoor Industry” course and Dr. Moran will talk about her “Refine Your Unique Leadership Style” course. This webinar will help you learn more about the course objectives, what you can expect to learn by taking the course, why knowledge on these topics is important in the outdoor industry, and you’ll have a chance to ask them questions in a live Q&A session.

Webinar: Gear Up: Key Strategies Outdoor Brands Need for Mitigating the Impact of Covid-19 on the Global Supply Chain

Speaker: Tom Cook, Managing Director, Blue Tiger International

The spotlight is on supply chain: volatile demand, uncertain supply, exploding transportation costs, 301 tariffs. Supply chain management has never had such an impact on profitability, and it’s never been more important for supply chain managers to know their options.

This webinar dissects the key issues that global supply chain managers face in light of the pandemic and presents options and time-proven recommendations for mitigating these challenges:

  • Reducing risk and spend in foreign purchasing and international sales
  • Tariff mitigation options: 12 considerations
  • Current state of global logistics: ocean, air, rail and truck
  • Working with 3PLs, forwarders and brokers


About the speaker: Tom Cook has over 30 years’ experience in helping companies all over the world manage their business models, supply chain risk and spend and import/export operations. Under Tom’s leadership, in May of 2019, Blue Tiger International won the president’s “E” Award for Export Service, the highest recognition any U.S. entity can receive for making a significant contribution to the expansion of U.S. exports. Tom serves as director of the National Institute of World Trade (NIWT), a nonprofit, 30+ year, corporate training school on global trade and supply chain management, and has authored 19 books on business management, global trade and business development.