COVID-19 Webinar: Pivoting to Produce, Source and Donate PPE

When: Tuesday, April 14, 11:00 a.m. (MT)

Hosted By: Outdoor Industry Association and Snowsports Industries America

Panelists: Jason Duncan, VP Tactical and Innovation, Outdoor Research; Alex Adema, President & CEO, DPS Skis; Lyndi Bell, Consumer Experience Marketing Director, Chaco; Sarah Wood, Board Chair, North Carolina Recreation Coalition; Amy Allison, Director, North Carolina Office of Outdoor Recreation

Moderator: Kristin Carpenter, CEO, Verde Brand Communications

Countless outdoor and snowsport companies are stepping up to answer the call for rapid production and deployment of personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical devices to protect frontline workers from the spread of COVID-19. Hear from a few brands that were early out of the gate and successful in pivoting their operations. Find out how they quickly built relationships with local hospitals and frontline service providers to ensure products were getting into the right hands. Learn about key resources and important guidelines. Discover opportunities to collaborate with industry peers to take all of our efforts further faster.

COVID-19 Webinar: Insurance Coverage for Outdoor Retailers and Manufacturing Companies

Speaker: Perkins Coie LLP

Coronavirus loss estimates are already in the billions of dollars for retailers and tourism companies as state lockdowns are implemented and more retail chains are forced to shutter doors, send workers home and look for solutions to supply chain deficiencies. Are the losses covered? Unfortunately, it depends.

In this webinar, we will walk through business insurance policies that may provide coverage for coronavirus losses, including business interruption and contingent business interruption coverages, several standard property insurance coverage extensions, supply chain and trade disruption policies, cargo marine policies, event cancellation policies, liability policies and more. The speakers will identify what language your policy needs to contain (or not contain) for coverage to attach and will provide practical advice on what records companies should gather now to assist in any future insurance claims. In addition, the speakers will discuss when companies should provide notice or notice of circumstances under their current policies.

Thrive Outside San Diego: Connecting with the outdoors during COVID-19

In its first year, The Outdoor Foundation’s Thrive Outside Community Initiative has made multi-year grants to four regions across the country (San Diego, Oklahoma City, Atlanta and Grand Rapids) to build and strengthen networks focused on providing children and families with repeat and reinforcing experiences in the outdoors.  Our communities are finding unique ways to positively impact their communities during the COVID-19 crisis.

We’re proud to share the innovative work from our Thrive Outside San Diego Community through one of their leading organizations Outdoor Outreach.

“Our youth need connection now more than ever. In this unprecedented time, young people are especially impacted by a lack of resources, feelings of uncertainty and fear, and separation from supportive role models and peers. This is even more true for the teens we serve, many of whom are affected by poverty, abuse, family dysfunction, and chronic health conditions.

Outdoor Outreach is committed to helping our participants thrive through the COVID-19 crisis. Our programs look different right now, but the focus of our work hasn’t changed: building support systems that help youth face adversity in their lives with strength and courage. Instructors can’t lead group outings in the outdoors, so they’re innovating ways to maintain critical connection with youth including virtual meetings and leadership trainings, live-streamed mindfulness and physical wellness activities, and youth-led community outreach promoting responsible outdoor activities.

Our Leadership Program is a great example. When social distancing measures were implemented just one week into the 12-week program, participants insisted that we shouldn’t cancel or reschedule. They wanted to meet on the phone or through video conferencing to stay connected, share challenges and resources, and provide much needed support for their peers.

For most participants, the Leadership Program is their only extracurricular activity still meeting during the crisis. The teens are combating feelings of social isolation through twice-weekly virtual meetings and learning to safely enjoy outdoor spaces by practicing OO’s 10 Principles of Getting Outside Responsibly During COVID-19. Reporting a new appreciation for little things that nearby nature has to offer–like a cool breeze on their face and time watching the clouds with family–participants have taken leadership in their communities by encouraging friends and family to adopt the same principles and to meet-up virtually instead of in-person. 

I’m proud of our team for helping youth gain a sense of agency over their circumstances and maintain resilience through the COVID-19 crisis. I encourage you to visit our website, follow us on social media, and, if you can, make a gift to support connection for youth who desperately need it.”

Ben McCue
Executive Director
Outdoor Outreach

COVID-19 Webinar: Thriving in Chaotic Times – The Neuroscience Behind Our Distress

Speaker: Julie Auger, MOD

How is our brain perceiving and responding to the current threats? As leaders, what may we do to alleviate these threat responses for our employees and ourselves? This webinar provides a look into how our brain is reacting, how we may find our focus and how we may manage our emotions best to adapt to our new reality. There will be time for questions, discussion and connection. Together we can thrive.


About the Speaker
Julie holds a master’s in organizational development and leadership from Saybrook University and a bachelor’s degree from Florida International University in environmental science and biology. After working 13 years as a fisheries and wildlife biologist, Julie decided to integrate her knowledge of complex ecological systems into human system dynamics. For 14 years, she has facilitated both large- and small-scale change initiatives for a variety of organizations and communities. Julie is currently a trainer and consultant in the Employers Council Organizational Development and Learning Department, specializing in helping leaders and organizations thrive in today’s rapidly shifting landscape.

COVID-19 Webinar: Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA): What Are Your Obligations For Paid and Unpaid Leave?

Speaker: Jackson Lewis P.C.

Laws are changing fast in our ever-evolving response to the coronavirus pandemic – many of these laws affect the employer-employee relationship. Moreover, with states asking all but critical or essential businesses to shut down, how do your obligations as an employer change with the choices you are being forced to make, especially as we make quick decisions that affect our workforce? Through this webinar, we will explain the obligations set forth in this new law, along with how these obligations change as our workforce changes or ceases.


Last week, OIA continued its efforts to secure relief for small outdoor businesses during the COVID-19 outbreak, including an urgent call to the Trump administration to lift all punitive tariffs on outdoor apparel, footwear and equipment sourced from China. We greatly appreciate those who have joined us by sending letters to their congressional representatives in support of this effort.

Now, we are calling on the administration to support a deferral of duty payments on imports for at least 90 days to provide much-needed liquidity to outdoor companies and help them preserve jobs and stay in business. Such action is consistent with the three-month delay on filing of personal and corporate income tax returns which has already been instituted.

Outdoor companies already face import tariffs of about 14 percent, on average, and as high as 37.5 percent. Many outdoor companies are paying punitive tariffs of 10 or 25 percent on top of those on affected products sourced from China. A deferral of tariff payments on imports would help outdoor companies, particularly small businesses, address serious cash-flow issues during this challenging time when retail outlets have closed and manufacturers have shut down due to COVID-19.

Once again, we need your help. Please reach out to your representatives and senators and urge them to Take Action to join OIA and support a deferral on tariff payments for at least 90 days. You action will help outdoor companies get back to what they do best: developing new, innovative outdoor gear to enhance the outdoor experience and get more Americans outdoors.

You can also still contact your congressional representatives and urge them to support lifting punitive tariffs on outdoor products sourced from China.

OIA has taken a series of actions to help outdoor companies manage the COVID-19 outbreak:

  • OIA signed letters organized by the Americans for Free Trade coalition to the president and the House Ways and Means Committee urging the administration to lift all punitive China 301 tariffs.
  • OIA submitted comments to the House Ways and Means Committee outlining the negative impact of the China 301 punitive tariffs on outdoor companies and calling for them to be removed.

We will continue to keep you updated on our advocacy work. In the meantime, join us, Thursday, April 2, at 11:00 a.m. (MT) for an informative webinar presented by Monument Advocacy on how the latest COVID-19 stimulus package will impact outdoor businesses.