2023 Annual Progress Report for camelBak
What is the OIA Climate Action Corps?
The Climate Action Corps is the outdoor industry’s collaborative model to lead on climate action, with a goal of reducing and removing greenhouse gas emissions across the outdoor industry, carving a new bold path for others to follow.
Climate Action Corps members follow this pathway to reduce their climate impacts
our entire GHG footprint
by setting science-aligned reduction targets
GHG emissions in line with our targets
GHG emissions that you cannot eliminate today
Advocate + Engage
for policies supporting climate action
progress each year through this progress report
Please indicate your progress in measuring 2023 scope 1 and scope 2 emissions:
We are in progress on measuring our scope 1 and 2 emissions
Please indicate your progress in measuring 2023 scope 3 emissions:
We are in progress on measuring scope 3 emissions
Our company’s most recent quantified GHG measurement by scope (in metric tonnes of Co2e):
Scope 1 Emissions in tCO2e (metric tonnes of CO2e) | 120 |
Scope 2 Emissions in tCO2e (metric tonnes of CO2e) | 350 |
Scope 3 Emissions in tCO2e (metric tonnes of CO2e) | 27674 |
How does your company verify GHG measurements?
Our company is considering verification of GHG measurements
Please indicate whether your company uses spend-based or material-based emissions factors for GHG emissions related to your company's products (and materials).
We use materials-based emissions factors
Has your company leadership approved quantitative GHG reduction targets for Scope 1 and 2 emissions?
Are your scope 1 and 2 targets aligned with SBTi criteria?
Has your company leadership approved quantitative GHG reduction targets for Scope 3 emissions?
What type of scope 3 target did your company set?
Economic Intensity (including GEVA)
Is your company's scope 3 reduction target aligned with SBTi criteria?
Please enter your leadership approved quantitative GHG reduction targets:
CamelBak commits to reduce absolute GHG emissions associated with our own operations (Scope 1+2) by 42% and to reduce emissions associated with purchased goods and services (Scope 3) by 48% per unit value added by 2030 from a 2021 base year.
Are your targets verified by the Science-based Targets Initiative?
No, but we are considering verification in the future
Has your company established an emissions reduction action plan or roadmap that guides your efforts to achieve your reduction?
My company has taken the following actions to reduce GHG emissions (please select all that apply):
Improved energy efficiency at our owned/controlled facilities | X |
Produced or procured renewable electricity (and/or renewable energy credits) for our owned/controlled facilities | |
Reduced fuel consumption of company-owned/controlled vehicles by choosing electric vehicles or other alternatives | |
Reduced onsite use of fuels through electrification or other energy sources for our owned/controlled facilities | |
Procured renewable fuels (e.g. biogas) for onsite use at our owned/controlled facilities | |
Adopted the use of refrigerants with low Global Warming Potential (GWP) at our owned/controlled facilities | |
Engaged with our suppliers about energy efficiency | |
Engaged with our suppliers about renewable energy | |
Engaged with our suppliers about cleaner thermal processes (e.g. electrification, biomass) | |
Engaged our suppliers about measuring their GHG emissions | |
Changed our company's products and materials to alternatives with lower-GHG footprint | X |
Reduced materials waste in the design and/or manufacturing of our products | |
Designed our products to be more energy efficient during use | |
Implemented company policies to reduce impacts of business travel | |
Reduced packaging and/or changed our packaging to alternatives with lower-GHG footprint | X |
Reduced impacts of inbound distribution (transportation modes, logistics, packing density) | |
Reduced impacts of outbound distribution (transportation modes, logistics, packing density) | |
Designed products for repair-ability and offered repair services | |
Bought back and re-sold (or facilitating the resale of) used products | |
Offered product leasing/renting or subscription programs | |
Moved our company website to a green host | |
Collaborated with other companies to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy | |
Reduced single-use company swag | |
None of the above | |
Other (please describe) |
Has your company made measurable progress toward your emissions reduction targets?
Please provide your company's real (quantitative) reduction in tCO2e:
7% (FY22 from baseline)
Did your company invest in carbon removal or credits to “offset” all or a portion of its carbon emissions in 2023?
What actions did your company take in 2023 to offset its carbon emissions? (Select all that apply)
Our company purchases carbon offsets for a portion of our footprint. | |
Our company purchases carbon offsets for our entire footprint | |
Our company directly invests in carbon removal or sequestration. |
Other (please specify)
Advocate + Engage
Did your company advocate and/or engage in climate action in 2023?
What actions did your company take to advocate and/or engage? (Please select all that apply)
Endorsed a climate solutions campaign or sign-on letter | |
Corresponded directly with U.S. Congress or administration officials | X |
Participated in a government meeting, such as OIA's virtual or in-person D.C. fly-in events | |
Provided our customers with opportunities to advocate | |
Supported advocacy groups through donations or membership | X |
Empowered consumers to take action on climate | |
Recognized and rewarded climate-leading actions with our suppliers | |
Participated in collaborative industry programs to reduce GHG emissions in the supply chain | |
Other (please specify below) | |
Other (please describe) |
Indicate your company's public exposure on climate action (Please choose all that apply):
Our company's GHG measurements are publicly available | X |
Our company's GHG reduction targets are publicly available | |
Our company's GHG reduction strategy is publicly available | |
Our company's progress against GHG targets is publicly available |
Please provide links for the following publicly available information about your efforts to reduce GHG
Our company's GHG measurements are publicly available | We have not yet shared our targets or measurements |
Our company's GHG reduction targets are publicly available | |
Our company's GHG reduction strategy is publicly available | |
Our company's progress against GHG targets is publicly available |
Do you have any additional details to share publicly about your company's efforts to address climate change?
Not at this time