(all times listed are Eastern Standard Time)
Day 1
- Thought Leadership Day, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.: Join your peers for two keynote presentations and eight curated deep-dive sessions on climate and inclusion and how taking action on 30×30, trade, conservation and more can help us achieve our goals.
- Summit Social Dinner, 6:30-9 p.m.
Day 2
- Hill Day Breakfast, 7 a.m.
- Hill Day Lobbying, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Reception, 5:30 p.m.
Day 3
- Outdoor Service Project and Canoeing Anacostia River, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Capitol Summit Attendee Info Hub
Hotel and Event Center
YOTEL Washington DC is our home base for OIA Capitol Summit. Our education day, Tuesday, April 29, will be held at the hotel. Follow this link to reserve your room in our room block by March 24, 2025.
Transportation in Washington, D.C.
Getting around D.C. is easy with the Metro, Uber/Lyft, and taxis. We don’t recommend renting a car.
On lobby day, Wednesday, April 30, your team leader will guide you to meetings. The hotel is within walking distance of Capitol Hill, and transportation can be arranged for accessibility needs. Meetings will take place in and around the Capitol, with House offices on the south side and Senate offices on the north. Walking between offices takes 5-10 minutes, while crossing between the House and Senate sides can take 15-20 minutes, including security screening.
Dress Code
For Education Day on Tuesday, April 29, outdoor business casual or business casual is suitable.
For Lobby Day on Wednesday, April 30, dress to impress with professional attire—think a suit, blazer, dress, skirt, or dress pants. Comfortable shoes are a must for lots of walking. Check the weather before you leave! An umbrella or raincoat may be needed for spring weather.
food and drink
Breakfast, lunch, and hors d’ouevres will be provided on education day, Tuesday, April 29. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on Lobby Day, Wednesday, April 30. YOTEL Washington DC’s on-site restaurant, Art and Soul, is a popular dinner spot.
Media and event recording
Media may be present at explicit sessions and may conduct interviews in a designated media room throughout the event. Attendees will be notified if and when media is attending a session.
Select sessions will be recorded and available on-demand the week after the event. A photographer and videographer will also be on-site to capture content from the sessions and attendee experiences. Read our notice of recording here.
Contact Andriana Rogers, Director of Marketing Communications at arogers@outdoorindustry.org for any questions.
Event Safety
In case of an emergency, dial 911 immediately. Event staff will be available on-site to assist with any health or safety concerns. Please don’t hesitate to approach any staff member for assistance.
schedule of events
Education Day: Tuesday, April 29
- 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM OIA Board of Directors Meeting
- 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Registration
- 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM Lunch
- 1:15 PM – 5:00 PM Education Sessions
- 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM Reception
Lobby Day: Wednesday, April 30
- 7:30 AM – 8:00 AM Meet with lobby day team and team leader
- 8:45 AM – 9:00 AM Capitol Summit group photo
- 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Lobby day Hill meetings
Notice of Recording
By entering the Outdoor Industry Association Capitol Summit, you are entering an area where photography, audio and video recording may occur.
Your entry and presence on the event premises constitutes your consent to be photographed, filmed, and/or otherwise recorded and to the release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction of any and all recorded media of your appearance, voice, and name for any purpose whatsoever in perpetuity in connection with the Outdoor Industry Association and its initiatives, including, by way of example only, use on websites, in social media, news and advertising.
By entering the event premises, you waive and release any claims you may have related to the use of recorded media at the event, including, without limitation, any right to inspect or approve the photo, video or audio recording of you, any claims for invasion of privacy, violation of the right of publicity, defamation, and copyright infringement or for any fees for use of such record media.
You understand that all photography, filming and/or recording will be done in reliance on this consent. If you do not agree with the foregoing, please do not enter the event premises.
Anti-Trust Guidelines
At Capitol Summit, Attendees and Members are free to exchange or discuss publicly available information. However, the Attendees and Members should avoid any discussions or joint efforts regarding confidential competitive information such as non-public cost or price information, non-public volume information, strategic plans or other information that is not “reasonably necessary” to achieve goals. Please note that we are not lawyers, and OIA is not making any representations about what actions do or do not comply with antitrust law. It is up to each Attendee and Member to make sure they understand their compliance obligations and you should discuss any legal questions with your own legal department. These guidelines are merely suggestions and not legal standards.
Detailed guidelines
- Do not agree or discuss how each of the Attendees and Members will price their own goods or related products;
- Do not agree to allocate certain geographic markets (i.e., territories) or product markets (i.e., types of products) among each other;
- Do not discuss or agree to the cost or method of pricing products manufactured or sold by each other or otherwise direct each other’s business activities that are outside scope;
- Do not compare cost information that is confidential, such as labor cost, manufacturing costs or other variables affecting pricing;
- Do not agree among yourselves to not do business with certain vendors (potential “boycott”) or otherwise pressure other competitors or vendors to comply with certain pricing or cost policies;
- OIA and its Members should not share with each other or discuss confidential, competitive information for individual Members or any information that might affect the Members’ own day to day business decisions related to cost, price or output of their own products. For example, this confidential competitive information may include: price lists or pricing plans, volume, rebate or refund programs, discount policies, credit policies, advertising credits or program allowances, slotting allowances, product cost variables or profit margins, customer lists or specific complaints, supplier contract terms, current or future marketing plans, bidding plans, purchasing plans, planning strategies, capital improvement plans, terms of sale or other contract terms, or competition in the sale or manufacture of competing products;
- OIA should not facilitate agreements or coordination among Members for the prices they charge for the products they manufacture or sell or other collusive conduct, including market allocation or refusals to deal with suppliers or customers, or organize boycotts against other manufacturers or retailers; and OIA should not publish or share any information that would be suggestive or conclusory as to how any individual Member should deal with individual contracting or other third party issues
- OIA or its Attendees and Members may discuss or share non-confidential, publicly available information or data.
1. Access & Acceptable Behavior: The Capitol Summit (“Event”), operated by Outdoor Industry Association (“OIA“) is open to outdoor industry professionals. Registrant acknowledges and agrees that its participation in the Event, including being a spectator or a participant in competitions or demonstrations is undertaken in the course of their employment or in the pursuit of their business interests. In order to ensure the Event achieves the goals it has set for participants OIA reserves the right, in its sole discretion to limit or deny access or remove any entity or individual, those not deemed by OIA as appropriate part of the industry the Event is serving as well as those disruptive to the Event by any means. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted to register themselves, and individuals under the age of 21 will only be granted limited Event access*. OIA‘s policies regarding allowable attendees and allowable behavior will be strictly enforced. All participants regardless of their age or their role (support providers who are not members of the industry are welcome) must be registered without exception and that registration badge shall be displayed upon request. OIA may require a photo id and/or proof of employment (i.e. business card, company ID card, verification of employment on company letterhead etc.) in order to confirm registrants’ identity and age prior to admission or during to the Event.
2. Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled if written notice is timely provided to events@outdoorindustry.org . However, Registration fees paid are non-refundable. Substitutions of registrants may be made to other employees at the same company at any time up to the start of the Event. Once a badge (either physical or virtual) is issued it cannot be transferred to another. Those in attendance whose identity does not match an issued badge may be removed and precluded from participation in future OIA events. If an event is canceled by OIA and a registrant does not timely request a refund or confirm what other event or service the fees should be applied toward, such fees will be forfeited.
3. Privacy: Registrants acknowledge that information provided during registration is subject to Privacy Policy – Outdoor Industry Association. Registrant grants OIA permission to display registrant’s company name on OIA’s websites and in other collateral material.
4. Likeness Promotion: Registrants grant to OIA the right to use their name, likeness, biographical information, voice, content of any interview, image and/or photograph and any other indicia of persona worldwide, for trade, advertising and/or promotional purposes. Registrants shall have no rights of review, approval, or compensation, provided however that registrants may request a limitation on use, which may be granted if related to personal safety concerns. Please contact us at events@outdoorindustry.org with your request.
5. Antitrust: The antitrust laws prohibit agreements between companies that restrict competition between them. Because discussions can form agreements, OIA prohibits them as well. OIA members should not engage in discussions that, intended or otherwise, involve the exchange of nonpublic competitively sensitive information. OIA members should not discuss their pricing, terms or conditions of sale, cost structures, distribution practices, customers, credit terms, marketing practices or strategic plans. These types of communications should not occur, whether in or out of meetings, or in social groups, or otherwise. Please refer to OIA’s antitrust guidelines here.
6. Event Content Sharing Restrictions: Registrant understands that the conference sessions and materials are valuable property subject to varied copyright restrictions and agrees not to make audio or video recordings or to duplicate and share content obtained through Event platforms without obtaining prior written permission. Additionally, attendees understand that although OIA makes all reasonable efforts ensure educational sessions delivered at the Event include accurate and helpful content, it is provided without representation or warranty of any kind. Attendees should only ever rely upon their own professional judgment in determining how content provided might apply to their own circumstances.
7. Sampling: Sponsors at some of OIA’s live Events offer product samples to registrants, demonstrate the products or offer their products for purchase. This activity must in all cases be confined to the exhibitors’ booths. OIA sponsors must comply with applicable laws, including food safety and sales tax regulations. Registrants engage in any sampling or participate in product demonstrations at their own risk.
8. Compliance: Registrants’ participation in OIA’s Events shall not violate any regulations administered and enforced by the U.S. Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control’s (OFAC) Sanctions Program or other applicable laws. Further, if a registrant’s country of residence requires further review as pursuant to OIA internal compliance procedure, registrant will provide additional information as reasonably requested.
9. Limitation of Liability: OIA shall have no liability to registrants, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), for harm of any kind related to their participation in OIA‘s Event, unless its liability cannot be limited or excluded by law. In no event shall OIA be liable to Registrant for any consequential, indirect, special or incidental damages, even if it has been advised of the possibility of such potential damages. The foregoing limitation of liability and exclusion of certain damages shall apply regardless of the success or effectiveness of other remedies.
10. Offsite Travel: Should registrant utilize transportation provided by OIA attend or leave the Event venue for a site visit, offsite demonstration or for any other reason, registrant acknowledges and agrees that they knowingly assume any and all risks of injury in any way connected or associated with such travel and activities conducted outside the Event venue and hereby waives, and agrees to release, OIA and its affiliated and subsidiary corporations, from any claims arising therefrom.
The undersigned person (“Participant”) on behalf of himself/herself and on behalf of Participant’s personal representatives, assigns, heirs, executors, and successors hereby fully and FOREVER RELEASES, WAIVES, DISCHARGES AND COVENANTS NOT TO SUE OIA, The YOTEL Washington DC, their affiliated corporations, vendors, or venues as well as any charities, municipalities or other government entities and all sponsoring or co-sponsoring companies or individuals or others involved in the Event in any way, together with their officers, directors, shareholders, successors and assigns, and its affiliates, officers, subsidiaries, directors, owners, employees, shareholders, successors and assigns (collectively, “Released Parties”) and to RELEASE THEM FROM ALL LIABILITY to the Participant FROM ALL CLAIMS WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING IN CONNECTION WITH DAMAGE TO HIS/HER PROPERTY OR FOR ANY RESULTANT INJURY OR DEATH, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE ACTIVE OR PASSIVE NEGLIGENCE OF ALL OR ANY OF THE RELEASED PARTIES OR OTHERWISE, IN CONNECTION WITH PARTICIPANT’S PARTICIPATION IN THE EVENT. Participant represents and warrants that they are in good physical condition, are 18 years of age or older and are able to safely participate in the activity at the Event. Participant IS FULLY AWARE OF THE RISKS AND HAZARDS inherent in participating in the activity at the Event and hereby elects to voluntarily participate, knowing the risks associated with the activity. PARTICIPANT HEREBY ASSUMES ALL RISKS OF LOSS(ES), DAMAGE(S), OR INJURY(IES) THAT MAY BE SUSTAINED BY THEM WHILE PARTICIPATING IN ACTIVITY AT THE EVENT. Participant agrees to the use of their name and photograph in broadcasts, newspapers, brochures, and other media without compensation. Participant acknowledges and agrees that OIA, in its sole discretion, may disallow access by Participant to the activity at the Event for any reason. Participant agrees and understands that PARTICIPANT HEREBY ASSUMES LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY AND ALL MEDICAL ATTENTION REQUIRED AND EXPENSES INCURRED AS A RESULT OF TRAINING FOR AND/OR PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITY AT THE EVENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO AMBULANCE TRANSPORT, HOSPITAL STAYS, PHYSICIAN AND PHARMACEUTICAL GOODS AND SERVICES. Participant warrants that all statements made herein are true and correct and understands that Released Parties have relied on them in allowing Participant to participate in ACTIVITIES AT THE EVENT.