Thursday, March 31, 2022, 12 pm MT
Climate Action Corps members, join us for the second edition of the Coffee and Climate series! In this live discussion, we will discuss the importance of proper resource allocation to accomplish data collection for GHG measurement, the calculation itself, and target setting. In addition, we’ll go in-depth on the suggested number of FTEs required to complete the work, gaining CEO/Leadership buy-in, budgeting, organizational structures, roles and responsibilities, and more.
As opposed to more formal Corps training webinars, Coffee and Climate sessions are a candid but guided conversation on a chosen topic. They include facilitated group discussion to share tips, tricks, and strategies, as well as an opportunity for Q&A. Be ready to bring your questions (and coffee) to the table!
Kari Shafer, Climate Action Corps Manager, Outdoor Industry Association
Eric Brody, Founder and Principal, Shift Advantage
This Coffee and Climate session is for Climate Action Corps members only. If you’re a Corps member, you can register here. Not a member? Contact our team to learn more and join today.