A Letter from the Clean Chemistry and Materials Coalition Co-Chair, Taylor Ralph
October 17, 2024
Recently, as Hurricane Milton made landfall in Florida, just weeks after Hurricane Helene traumatized much of the Southwest, my colleague and I spent most of a meeting—originally planned to review chemistry strategy—talking about what it means to be alive and doing this work. We wake up every day floating between immense gratitude and awe for this world, and despair for how we are devastating it. We are simultaneously completely devoted to the work it will take to sustain our environment for future generations, and hyper aware that the climate crisis has already arrived. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, isolated, defeated.
Almost 20 years ago, when I walked into my first Environmental Studies class as an undergraduate freshman at UVM, my professor Stephanie Kaza took out a Tibetan singing bowl and led us in a prayer. The prayer taught us that to sustain the work, we would need to sustain ourselves and each other. She emphasized our interdependence and the intersectionality of what plagues us. I still remember how I admired her wisdom, knowing that her students would need to return to this lesson throughout their lives.
Fast forward to this moment and I am so grateful for the community of practitioners that make it possible to stay engaged in this challenging work. I am especially grateful for the coordination and support from the Outdoor Industry Association that allows us to move towards solutions more quickly than if we were going it alone. On the CCMC Steering Committee we joke that what we’ve really formed is an Emotional Support Group. Beyond that, every OIA member that I have reached out to personally for support on particular topics has shown up and engaged enthusiastically. I hope anyone reading this knows that I am here to return the favor.
All we have is now and each other. I hope to see you at the Catalyst Conference. Onwards!

Taylor Ralph
Product Impact Lead for Environmental & Social Impact at Burton
Clean Chemistry and Materials Coalition Co-Chair